Time2Track Blog

Real-Life Resources for Students & Early Career Professionals

Developing as a Therapist

Developing as a Therapist

Throughout your career as a therapist, you will continue to learn, gain in experience, and develop your own set of priorities and values within the work you do.

A sense of progress and growth is essential in order to keep your interest and enthusiasm for your work alive.

Professional Growth

Studies into the reasons why therapists choose their work and stay in the profession have shown that there is a widespread desire amongst the therapist community to continue learning.

Professional growth is one of the main areas that therapists attribute to preventing burn out and keeping their focus.

There are always new ideas and developments emerging in our field, and as part of what we do, we are always encouraging people to learn more in order to grow and develop as a person. So inevitably that is something we also should be doing ourselves.

Setting Goals

Most jobs or study courses have a set of goals as part of an on-going assessment scheme. However, for personal and professional development, many therapists choose to set goals in addition to the ones required by their supervisor or job.

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Del Hello al Hola: Uso Informado de Intérpretes en la Sala de Terapia

Del Hello al Hola: Uso Informado de Intérpretes en la Sala de Terapia

Imagina que estás en una sesión de terapia donde lo que dices es incomprensible para tu cliente. Que situación tan difícil después de tu duro entrenamiento! Ahora imagina a tu cliente quién en medio de una situación emocional se esfuerza para explicarse en un idioma que no le es familiar. Que situación tan seria! Si tu crees que esta entrada no es para ti, tengo unas cuantas preguntas antes de que abandones esta página: ¿Alguna vez evitaste alguna sesión porque tu cliente no habla español? ¿En caso necesario, sabes como escoger un intérprete y trabajar con él o ella? ¿Estás al tanto de los aspectos legales de usar un intérprete en terapia? Con el crecimiento rápido de inmigrantes a este país, ésta pronto puede ser una situación inevitable en tu carrera.

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Del Hello al Hola: Uso Informado de Intérpretes en la Sala de Terapia

From Hola to Hello: The Informed Use of Interpreters in Counseling

Can you imagine being in a therapy session where whatever you are saying is just incomprehensible buzz to your client? What a difficult situation to encounter after all your hard training! Now imagine a client struggling with an emotional crisis, and think of the extra effort required to explain the situation in an unfamiliar language. What a serious situation to be in!.

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Time2Track Mobile (v.1) is here!

Time2Track Mobile (v.1) is here!

We know you all have been patiently waiting, and now we’re excited to announce that Time2Track Mobile (v.1) is here! We kept our highly-rated interface and made it portable, so there’s no learning curve. You’ll get the same great features in a package that you can use on-the-go. There’s nothing you’ll need to download, and you can access Time2Track Mobile from our website.

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Time2Track Mobile: Coming Summer 2012!

You can already track hours on your iPad or other tablet, but this summer you’ll also be able to track your hours quickly & easily from your smartphone with Time2Track Mobile! Best of all, we’ve kept Time2Track’s highly-rated interface and made it portable, so there’s no learning curve. You’ll get the same great features that you love in a package that you can use on-the-go. Make sure to subscribe to our blog for updates and availability of new features!

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Machismo y Marianismo: Nuevos Modelos Para Viejos Patrones

Machismo y Marianismo: Nuevos Modelos Para Viejos Patrones

El machismo y el marianismo son temas de actualidad en mi práctica diaria como psicoterapeuta de la comunidad Latina. Los roles de género son sensibles por naturaleza, y a pesar de que los Estados Unidos tiene una historia rica en explorar el significado de sexo, identidad de género, y orientación sexual, la exploración de estos temas en culturas Latinas están todavía de alguna manera menos representados. Afortunadamente, hay algunos psicoterapeutas que investigan la intersección de sexo, género, identidad y orientación sexual en relación a la cultura, esos investigadores admiten que algunos temas son incluso mas complejos en la cultura Latina. Yo no soy uno de ellos y esta entrada es un humilde comentario, lo que si puedo decir es lo siguiente: En los 20 años que he trabajado como facilitador de academias de padres, el tema de roles de género es doloroso cada vez que lo abordamos. Por favor, perdona si alguna de estas ideas te parecen anticuadas. No estoy de acuerdo con todas las…

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Machismo and Marianismo: New Models for Old Patterns

Machismo and Marianismo: New Models for Old Patterns

Photo By moodboard via StockPholio.com

Machismo and marianismo are current topics in my everyday practice as a clinician in the Latino community. The issue of gender roles is inherently sensitive, and although the United States has a rich history of exploring the significance of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation, the exploration of these topics in Latino cultures is still somewhat underrepresented.

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